Loc Maintenance


Yup, you can sit with us!
Our team members are creative, self motivated, professionals that love catching up with their clients and geeking out over the latest in Locs, good reads, and reality TV foolishness.
We will always assist a team mate with a shampoo and a Starbucks or UberEats run isn’t complete until we check on each others hunger level. We treat each other with respect and we are honest with your teammates about areas of growth but still kind in delivery and discussion. When we learn or see something new, be it technical or a cute Amazon find, you can expect a text message sharing all the details.
Basically we’re a team of fun, easy going, punctual and hardworking ladies that value professionalism and customer kindness above all else.
If feedback leaves you defensive and people are regularly telling you “you don’t know how to talk to people” you should stop reading and close this page. We’re not the salon for you.
If you’re still reading, then click the applicable job title below and let’s get to know each other!